Impact Series: New California Laws 2022 Edition
Sacramento, Calif.- Impact series continues today with New California Laws 2022. Part 3 in New California laws for 2022 includes change of gender, private detention facilities, domestic violence, food delivery, winegrowers and more.
For full text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.
California Laws 2022 – Part 3
AB-163 | State government. |
AB-164 | Budget Act of 2021. |
AB-167 | Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill. |
AB-172 | Human services. |
AB-173 | Public Safety. |
AB-174 | Vehicles. |
AB-175 | Housing: mortgages and deeds of trust: use of state property: surplus land disposal: financing programs. |
AB-176 | Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development: Office of Small Business Advocate: grant programs: taxation: credits: exclusions: sales and use tax. |
AB-177 | Public safety. |
AB-215 | Planning and Zoning Law: housing element: violations. |
AB-218 | Change of gender and sex identifier. |
AB-223 | Wildlife: dudleya: taking and possession. |
AB-229 | Private investigators, proprietary security services, private security services, and alarm companies: training: use of force. |
AB-232 | Off-highway vehicles: reciprocity. |
AB-237 | Public employment: unfair practices: health protection. |
AB-239 | Winegrowers and brandy manufacturers: exercise of privileges: locations. |
AB-242 | Public utilities. |
AB-245 | Educational equity: student records: name and gender changes. |
AB-246 | Contractors: disciplinary actions. |
AB-251 | Public postsecondary education: admission by exception. |
AB-260 | Guardianships. |
AB-262 | Human trafficking: vacatur relief for victims. |
AB-263 | Private detention facilities. |
AB-271 | Santa Clara Valley Water District: contracts: best value procurement. |
AB-272 | Enrollment agreements. |
AB-275 | Classified community college employees. |
AB-277 | Domestic violence: victims: address confidentiality. |
AB-283 | Corporate securities: exemption from requirements. |
AB-286 | Food delivery: purchase prices and tips. |
AB-287 | Civil actions: statute of limitations. |