Impact Series: New California Laws 2022 Edition
Sacramento, Calif.- Impact series of New California Laws 2022. Part 5 in New California laws for 2022 includes homeless shelters, public officials, DMV records, local government, debt collections, local board of supervisors and more.
For full text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.
California Laws 2022 – Part 5
AB-358 | Electrified security fences: permitted use. |
AB-359 | Physicians and surgeons: licensure: examination. |
AB-361 | Open meetings: state and local agencies: teleconferences. |
AB-362 | Homeless shelters: safety regulations. |
AB-366 | Foster youth: placement of siblings. |
AB-367 | Menstrual products. |
AB-378 | Public officials. |
AB-379 | Wildlife conservation. |
AB-381 | Licensed facilities: duties. |
AB-382 | Whole Child Model program. |
AB-389 | Ambulance services. |
AB-390 | Advertising: automatic renewal and continuous service offers: notice and online termination. |
AB-396 | CalFresh: educational programs. |
AB-397 | Unemployment insurance: benefits: disqualification: notice. |
AB-398 | Department of Motor Vehicles: records. |
AB-407 | Optometry: assistants and scope of practice. |
AB-414 | Local government: county regional justice facilities. |
AB-417 | Rising Scholars Network: justice-involved students. |
AB-419 | Criminal procedure: victim and witness privacy. |
AB-424 | Private Student Loan Collections Reform Act: collection actions. |
AB-425 | Milk and other dairy products: Dairy Council of California Law: producer-handlers. |
AB-428 | Local government: board of supervisors. |
AB-429 | Child support: access to records. |
AB-430 | Debt collection: identity theft. |
AB-431 | Forestry: timber harvesting plans: defensible space: exemptions. |
AB-435 | Hearing aids: locked programming software: notice. |
AB-438 | School employees: classified employees: layoff notice and hearing. |
AB-439 | Certificates of death: gender identity. |
AB-440 | Bear Lake Reservoir: recreational use. |
AB-442 | Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975: exemption: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California: master reclamation plan. |