Redistricting process happens every 10 years
Anaheim, Calif. – The City Council recently selected a final map for Anaheim's updated council districts, following months of public input and discussion.
The City Council is set to consider a second reading of the ordinance adopting the final map at its next meeting on March 15.
Anaheim began the redistricting process in July 2021 and has hosted dozens of community meetings and public hearings in the past nine months. Anaheim residents also submitted suggested district maps and comments on map proposals via email and online at AnaheimRedistricting.org.
On Tuesday, the council considered six focus maps, submitted by the public and the city's demographer. Following discussions and public comments Tuesday, the City Council voted 5-1 to introduce an ordinance to adopt the map numbered 114.
Map 114
Map 114 implements changes to Districts 2, 3, 4, and 5 based on the 2020 Census and public input on communities of interest.
District 2 expands to the south below Cerritos Avenue and to the east to 9th Street to include the area around Stoddard Park.
District 3 expands to the west from Euclid Street to Brookhurst Street, encompassing the neighborhoods above La Palma Avenue around John Marshall Park.
District 4 expands to the east to include some of the newer Platinum Triangle apartment communities and to the north to include neighborhoods around Ross Park.
Map 114 does not include any changes to District 1 or District 6.
You can view an interactive version of map 114 here.
Anaheim first adopted a district-based election system in 2016, with districts based on the 2010 Census. The city must complete a redistricting process every 10 years.
Some California cities employ an independent redistricting commission made up of community members so that the city council does not have input or direct the redrawing of boundaries.