Redefining North Tustin Street
Tustin, Calif.- North Tustin Street is an important commercial corridor in the City of Orange. However, it is not the destination that it was decades ago and in its current state reflects the development patterns of shopping centers built in the 1960s and 70s.
There is a need and desire to transform the corridor into a more complete street with a variety of shops and services that cater to residents, workers, and visitors.
As such, the City is developing the North Tustin Street Specific Plan to proactively bring beneficial change to the corridor that improves the business and living environment in and around the North Tustin Street corridor. The Plan Area is generally along both sides of North Tustin Street from Katella Avenue up to Lincoln Avenue as shown on the map to the right.
Specific Plan
The Specific Plan will be informed by community input, a land use market analysis and an Environmental Impact Report evaluating a range of issues including a traffic analysis.
The plan for this area needs to reflect community desires and priorities, so over the last year, input has been collected through three online surveys, an online workshop and an in-person public workshop, and interviews with key stakeholders. The feedback has helped define the goals for the transformation of North Tustin Street and will be used to refine the vision for the corridor according to community preferences and develop a regulating plan that describes potential options for land uses and development standards for the corridor, both in private development and within the public right-of-way. The vision and preferred plan will be shared with the community in early 2022.
For complete details and to get involved visit North Tustin Street Specific Plan.